4 Steps for Custom Waterslide Decals
Posted by jmuma on May 16, 2017 in Featured, Waterslide Decals | 0 comments
There are 4 easy steps to having your own custom waterslide decals created. First send us a request for quote with information on your project, pictures, artwork, description will work fine and we will calculate a price. Second step after order is placed is for us to start on the waterslide decal sheet proofs and send via email before printing for any last minute revisions. The third step is for us to print out the decals and ship to you. The fourth and final step is for you to apply the waterslide decals to your model.
We specialize in creating high quality custom waterslide decals for hobbyist and businesses alike. Waterslide decals are used for many different applications such as; guitar headstock logos, model trains, model cars, model planes, woodworking, restorations, bicycles, and miniature gaming figures. The list goes on and on with only your imagination being the limit.
Bedlam Creations has been producing waterslide decals since 2001 with many repeat customers. We offer a small selection of stock decals for purchase through our website and on eBay. These are mostly numbers, letters, checkers, stripes, etc. Our ability to print one off custom waterslides are what we specialize in. If you would like for us to give you a quote on your custom decal needs please submit your request here, or give us a call at (231) 437-0200.
If you are looking for some small stock decals you can shop our online store or you can request a custom waterslide decal quote.